flu chřipka

punishment trest

recovery rekonvalescence

exhibition výstava

German Shepherd německý ovčák

Alsatian německý ovčák

sticker samolepka

celebrate slavit

I am looking forward to it

pedigree rodokmen

puppy štěně

obedience poslušnost

tracking stopaření

defence obrana

stable stáj



twice = two times

be lucky mít štěstí

She has wanted her own dog for 3 years.

rat krysa

pedigree rodokmen

(kind) temper povaha

heart attack infarkt

dog shed

cross breed

lead vodítko

plant tomatoes sázet, sít...

peat [pít] rašelina

flower pot

rotten shnilý


dill kopr

grow pěstovat, růst


currant rybíz

bloom kvést

They have been dying for 8 years.

blossom květ

sack pytel

soil půda

cellar sklep

I want to go home.”

He said (that) he wanted to go home.

I don't like it.”

He said he didn't like it.

I can help you make the beds.”

He said he could help me make the beds.

fill in vyplnit

condition podmínka

air conditioning klimatizace

damage poškodit

DND = do not disturb

true stories pravdivé příběhy

adventure dobrodružství

childish dětinský

cartoon animovaný film

actress herečka

6 E

7 D

8 F

9 B

10 G

21 to 25: D C B A C

26 to 35: C B A B A C C D C A