medical check, medical check-up kontrola

× control ovládat, ovládání

remote control (RC) dálkové ovládání

RC models (cars, helicopters)

redecorate the room = repaint

I got used to it. zvyknul jsem si

shade of a colour odstín


purple fialová

ceiling strop

I've seen it for the first time.

patterns vzory

spider web pavučina

deer jelen

cheerful = brings happiness

My room is cheerful. He is a cheerful person.


I was afraid of it.

tile dlaždička

craftsmen řemeslník

random náhodný

plaster omítka

shift, shifted posunout

brush štětec

elections volby, vote volit

will vůle

it is the will of the people

mayor [meər]


admire = obdivovat

obligatory povinný

I always vote.

minority menšina

I have never forgotten it.

ideology × reality

rule the country vládnout, ovládat

powerless bezmocný

enjoy public attention

The King's Speech

stutter koktat




Bartered Bride Prodaná nevěsta

cinemas, theatres, operas… ballets

suit oblek

trailer upoutávka

scenario, script

rehearse zkoušet



sold out vyprodaný

puppet theatre loutkový


1 belongs

is owned by to

2 designed

3 comfortable as (as comfortable as)

4 has / have

The police are searching for a criminal.

The police is searching for a criminal.

A lot of people are hungry.

5 till, until, up to

26 C

27 A

28 B

29 C

30 D

31 D

32 A

33 B

34 B

35 A

many experiences zážitky

much experience zkušenost

How many carrots do you want? 6 (carrots). 3 kilos of carrots. MNOŽNÉ ČÍSLO – počitatelné

How much carrot do you want? 3 kilos (of carrot). JEDNOTNÉ ČÍSLO – nepočitatelné

How many peaches? Kolik broskví (množné číslo)?

How much peach do you want? I want a half.